Jose Silva Method Healing

The Silva Method - The Alpha Reinforcement Exercise

March 21, 202412 min read

Jose Silva Method

The transcript you've provided is a a guided relaxation or meditation exercise, incorporating various techniques for mental, physical, and deeper levels of relaxation. It's structured to help the listener enter a state of relaxation through a series of steps involving focused breathing, visualization, and progressive relaxation of different body parts. Additionally, it includes affirmations for health, well-being, and the use of mental faculties for positive purposes. Here's a simplified breakdown of the content:


The session starts with an introduction to the exercise, emphasizing readiness and the commencement of a relaxation method referred to as the "three to one method." This method is a countdown technique designed to bring the listener into a progressively deeper state of relaxation.

1. Initiation: The listener is instructed to find a comfortable position, close their eyes, and focus on their breathing. This phase involves deep breaths accompanied by the mental repetition and visualization of numbers, starting from three and counting down to one, with each number repeated three times to deepen relaxation.

2. Physical Relaxation: The speaker guides the listener to relax various parts of the body in sequence, starting from the scalp and moving down to the feet. This process is intended to bring the listener to a "level three" of physical relaxation, where the body reaches a deeper, healthier state of mind. The listener is encouraged to use the visualization of the number three to return to this state of relaxation in the future.

3. Mental Relaxation: At "level two," achieved through the visualization of the number two, the focus shifts to mental relaxation. Here, the presence of external noises is framed as an aid rather than a distraction, further deepening relaxation. The listener is advised to practice visualizing tranquil scenes to enhance this state.

4. Deeper Levels of Relaxation: The listener is encouraged to use a countdown deepening exercise (counting backward from a starting point like 25, 50, or 100 to 1) to reach even deeper levels of relaxation and maintain control over their faculties at all times.

5. Practice Recommendations: The speaker suggests times and durations for practicing these relaxation techniques, emphasizing their potential health benefits, especially for those with health issues.

6. Exiting Relaxation: Instructions are provided on how to emerge from the relaxed state, ensuring the listener feels refreshed, healthy, and better than before.

7. Advanced Visualization and Affirmations: The latter part of the session focuses on using the mind's power for personal development, health, and service to humanity. This includes preventing negative thoughts and conditions, improving physical and mental health, and extending one's sensing faculties beyond the immediate physical environment for the benefit of humanity. The session concludes with a series of positive affirmations and statements emphasizing compassion, understanding, and the aspiration to contribute positively to the world.

8. Conclusion: The session ends with a count from one to five, signifying the listener's return to a state of wakefulness, feeling refreshed and in perfect health, with a reminder of the benefits of the practice and encouragement to continue feeling "better and better."

This breakdown condenses the essence and structure of the guided session, focusing on the progression from initial relaxation to deeper states of mind, the incorporation of physical and mental relaxation techniques, the importance of regular practice, and the session's overarching goal of improving well-being and utilizing mental faculties for positive outcomes.

The Transcript...

Are you ready? We will begin this exercise with the three to one method. Find a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and while exhaling, mentally repeat and visualize the number three three times. Take another deep breath, and while exhaling, mentally repeat and visualize the number two three times. Take another deep breath, and while exhaling, mentally repeat and visualize the number one three times. And you are at level one, the basic level that you can use for any purpose that you desire.

Here now, we're going to help you learn to enter the physical relaxation level 3. To help you learn to relax physically at level three, I'm going to direct your attention to different parts of your body. Relax your scalp, relax your forehead, relax your eyes, relax your face, relax your throat, relax your shoulders, relax your chest, externally and internally. Relax your abdominal area externally and internally. Relax your thighs, relax your knees, relax your calves, relax your feet. You are now at a deeper, healthier level of mind, deeper than before. This is your physical relaxation level three. Whenever you mentally repeat and visualize the number three, your body will relax as completely as you are now and more so every time you practice.

To enter mental relaxation level 2, mentally repeat and visualize the number 2 several times. And you are at level two, a deeper level than three. Level two is for mental relaxation where noises will not distract you. Instead, noises will help you to relax more and more. To improve mental relaxation and level 2, practice visualizing tranquil and passive scenes.

To enter the basic plane level 1, mentally repeat and visualize the number 1 several times. You are now at level one, the basic level that you are learning to use for a purpose, any purpose you desire. To enter deeper, healthier levels of mind, practice with the countdown deepening exercises. To deepen, count downward from 25 to 1, or from 50 to 1, or from 100 to 1. When you reach the count of 1, you will have reached a deeper, healthier level of mind, deeper than before. You will always have full control and complete dominion over your senses and faculties at all levels of the mind, including the outer conscious level.

The best time to practice the countdown deepening exercises is in the morning when you wake up. Remain in bed for at least five minutes practicing the countdown deepening exercises. The second best time to practice is at night when you are ready to retire. The third best time to practice is at noon after lunch. Five minutes of practice is good, ten minutes is very good, 15 minutes is excellent. To practice once a day is good, two times a day is very good, and three times a day is excellent. If you have a health problem, practice for 15 minutes three times a day.

To come out of any level of the mind, mentally count to yourself from one to five and tell yourself that at the count of five you will open your eyes, be wide awake, feeling fine and in perfect health, feeling better than before. Then proceed to count slowly from one to two, then to three, and at the count of three, mentally remind yourself that at the count of five you will open your eyes, be wide awake, feeling fine and in perfect health, feeling better than before. Proceed to count slowly to four, then five. At the count of five, and with your eyes open, mentally tell yourself, "I am wide awake, feeling fine and in perfect health, feeling better than before." And this is all.

To help you enter a deeper, healthier level of mind, I am going to count from 10 to 1. On each descending number, you will feel yourself going deeper, and you will enter a deeper, healthier level of mind. Ten, nine, feel going deeper, eight, seven, six, deeper and deeper, five, four, three, deeper and deeper, two, one. You are now at a deeper, healthier level of mind, deeper than before. You may enter a deeper, healthier level of mind by simply relaxing your eyelids. Relax your eyelids. Feel how relaxed they are. Allow this feeling of relaxation to flow slowly downward throughout your body, all the way down to your toes. It is a wonderful feeling to be deeply relaxed, a very healthy state of being.

To help you enter a deeper, healthier level of mind, I'm going to count from one to three and cause a sound with my fingers. At that moment, you will project yourself mentally to your ideal place of relaxation. I will then stop talking to you, and when you next hear my voice, one hour of time will have passed at this level of mind. One, two, three. Project yourself mentally to your ideal place of relaxation until you hear my voice again. 

Take a deep breath, relax, and go deeper. Relax, relax, take a deep breath and go deeper. The difference between genius mentality and lay mentality is that geniuses use more of their minds and use them in a special manner. You are now able to use more of your mind and to use it in a special manner. The following are beneficial statements which you may occasionally repeat while at this levels of the mind. Repeat mentally after me: My increasing mental faculties are for serving humanity better. Every day in every way, I'm getting better, better, and better. Positive thoughts bring me all the benefits and advantages I desire. I have full control and complete dominion over my sensing faculties at this level of the mind or any other level, including the outer conscious level. And this is all.

The following preventive statements are for your better health: I will never learn to develop physically or mentally mental disorders nor psychosomatic or functional ailments or diseases. I will never learn to develop physically or mentally heart ailments or diseases. I will never learn to develop physically or mentally circulatory ailments or diseases nor leukemia or diabetes. I will never learn to develop physically or mentally respiratory ailments or diseases nor diseases such as arthritis or glaucoma. I will never learn to develop physically or mentally it depends on drugs or alcohol. I will never learn to develop physically or mentally nor mentally or physically the conditions or any of the symptoms of the disease known as cancer. Negative thoughts, negative suggestions have no influence over me at any level of the mind. I will always maintain a perfectly healthy body and mind.

I am now able to attune my intelligence by developing my sensing faculties and to project them to any point or place on this planet so as to be aware of any actions taking place if this is necessary and are beneficial for humanity. I am now able to attune my intelligence by developing my sensing faculties and to project them to any point or place on any planet within the solar system, any solar system within the galaxy, any galaxy within the universe and be aware of any actions taking place if this is necessary and beneficial for humanity. I am now able to attune my intelligence by developing my sensing faculties and to project them to the different matter kingdoms: the inanimate matter kingdom any of its levels in depths, the animated matter kingdom with reproductive intelligence plant life and animal life any of its levels and depths, the animate matter kingdom with reproductive intelligence and an awareness of existence, the human body and the mind kingdom any of its levels and depths. I am now able to detect abnormalities whenever such abnormalities exist within any kingdom any level, any depth if this is necessary and beneficial for humanity. I am now able to apply corrective measures and to bring back to normalcy any abnormality found within any kingdom any level, any depth if this is necessary and beneficial for humanity. Negative thoughts, negative suggestions have no influence over me at any level of the mind. Every time you function at these levels of the mind, you will receive beneficial effects physically and mentally. You may use these levels of the mind to help yourself physically and mentally. You may use these levels of the mind to help your loved ones physically intimately. You may use these levels of the mind and all these points of reference to help any human being who needs help physically and mentally. You will never use these levels of the mind and these points of reference to harm any human being if this be your intention you will not be able to function within these levels of the mind. You will always use these levels of the mind and these points of reference in a constructive creative manner for all that is good, honest, pure, clean, and positive and this is so.

You will continue to strive to take part in constructive and creative activities to make this a better world to live in, so that when we move on we shall have left behind a better world for those who follow. You will consider the whole of humanity depending on their ages as fathers or mothers, brothers or sisters, sons or daughters. You are a superior human being. You have greater understanding, compassion, and patience with others. In a moment I'm going to come from one to five and cause a sound with my fingers. At that moment, you will open your eyes, be wide awake, feeling fine and in perfect health, feeling better than before. You will have no ill effects whatsoever in your head, no headache, no head effects whatsoever in your hearing, no buzzing in your ears, no idiot effects whatsoever in your vision. Vision, eyesight, and hearing improve every time you function at these levels of the mind. One, two, coming out slowly now, three, at the count of five you will open your eyes, be wide awake, feeling fine and in perfect health, feeling better than before, feeling the way you feel when you have slept the right amount of revitalizing, refreshing, relaxing, healthy sleep. Four, five, eyes open, wide awake, feeling fine and in perfect health, feeling better than before. How do you feel? Better and better, right?

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Jace Vernon

A man trying to be the best version of himself

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